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  • 2025 Seniors League Registration - Full Details

2025 Seniors League Registration - Full Details

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Swing, Smile, Repeat, All Season!
18 Weeks of Competitive Fun, Plus!
Willow Tree Golf Tuesday's AM Seniors League
See full league details below

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Tuesday AM Seniors League:

Join the fun of the Tuesday AM Seniors League every week! This lively event offers a season-long team golf competition, featuring net handicap scoring to ensure golfers of all skill levels can participate and enjoy.

Tee times are reserved starting at 9 AM. Compete for fantastic prizes throughout the season, leading up to a grand finale Closing Event with a banquet lunch and well-deserved awards. Don’t miss out—come for the golf, stay for the connection!

1.0 COMMITMENT – ALL golfers must be committed to the League by April 8.    (After April 8th, $25 added late fee applied)


2.1 $50 per player. (After April 8th, $25 added late fee applied), INCLUDES:

2.2. $1.00 / week will be allocated to the weekly Hole Contests & Best Net Score.   

2.3. $2.00 / week will be put towards the year end final banquet Lunch & prizes.

2.4. If you are unable to attend Lunch, you will receive $10 in Loyalty points for use (Refer to WTG Loyal Rewards on website).


3.1 League members – Weekly Green and Cart Fees, Save 10% OFF 9 holes with/without cart all day & 15% OFF Daytime 18 holes with/without cart!   

Or choose WTG’s 18-week Play Pass – Includes 18 rounds of 9 holes of golf for as low as $450!  See details on under leagues. 

3.2 Additional League Member PERK!, as a WTG League player, you save 10% off all our rates whenever you play non league. (except outside tournaments you may be part of and online specials).

3.3 Willow Tree Members (Full or Restricted) – Pay no green fees, this is a special offer extended for 2025!


4.1  Hole contests will consist of 2 of 3 challenges (longest drive, closest to the keg/rope, longest putt, closest to pin)

4.2 Weekly scoring is based on your weekly net score. Net score is what you shot less your 9-hole handicap.

4.3 All scores are entered on SMART golf software by Pro Shop Staff. League Handicaps will be based on League scores only.  If you are new to league, or haven’t registered leagues scores in 2024, players require a minimum of 3 scores to begin establishing a handicap and then you will be eligible to weekly net score prizes. 

5.0 LEAGUE SCHEDULE  - 18 Weeks

5.1 Opening Week– Tuesday. May 6th and extend 18 weeks of play, ending in September. In the event of Course closure, League end date may be pushed back up to 2 weeks in September, ending no later than Sept 16th.

6.0 Format - 

6.1 FRONT 9/BACK9 ROTATION – the league will continue to alternate between the front and back nine, each week (so long as it does not interfere with the regular scheduled golf course operations). In the event of flooding a modified 9 holes of play may be used, example holes 10, & 2 through 9.

6.2 Make up your own groups or add yourself as a single and you will be paired up.

6.3 Book your tee -time starting 9:00am each Tuesday, by visiting or calling the Golf Shop.   (9 holes league to be played as closes as possible to 9AM) 

6.4 Submit your score card after your round to the golf shop.

6.5 Join us on the patio for drinks and dinner.


A. Pick it up - having a bad hole, don’t worry!, we cap it off at 3 over for each hole. take the max score.
B. Take a Gimmie - Less than 3 ft, a putters length away, it’s a gimmie, just make sure you count the stroke.
C. In a DIVOT – If you landed in a divot, Just move it out to left or right within a foot.
D. Fix your divots and ball marks. Nobody likes hitting a great shot, only to find you are in a divot.
E. Tee off’s are from reds for women, White for men
F. Be kind to staff, summer employment attracts summer students. We do have a great core, and new staff will come up to speed quick. Thank you.

Let’s make it a great season, Challenge Your Game, Make this your community, and have fun.

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